Here is the number on the crank handle: 45012. It's the only identifying number I can find.
I have eight awning type windows in my bedroom that are at least 20 years old. One of the windows has a stripped crank. I noticed this a few months ago, and I was able to shut the window from the outside, and I also tapped it shut with a rubber mallet thinking this would do until I figured out a way to fix it.
I now have a more urgent need to fix this window. I want to put my home on the market soon, and a couple weeks ago over the Thanksgiving holiday, we had very strong winds in Kansas City followed by six inches of snow. I was away during this time visiting family and after arriving back home, I noticed the winds had forced the broken window wide open. Of course, this event is prompting me to fix this window ASAP.
There is no branding on the hardware or window that I can see, but I did find a part number on the crank handle (first sentence above) which I Googled. This lead me to your website which I found another person's pictures of what seems to be an identical window hardware to what I have. I included a screenshot of the one that looks exactly like mine in addition to three photos of my window hardware. I'm hoping I can pinpoint exactly the hardware needed to fix my broken window.
I have two questions in addition to identifying the part I need.
Question 1: Since the broken part seems to be the interior (guts) and it broke apart and it is jutting out of the cover, is it possible to replace the "guts" of the mechanism only?
Question 2: If the entire mechanism needs replacing, does it come with the crank handle? If not, will the old handle work with the new mechanism?
I think that's it. Thanks for your help.