Custom Balance

Quick Learner from USA
Hi there. I am searching for a non tilt window balance. Website said it might be special order item.
Attached are a couple pictures of the unit I'm looking for.

The metal is 26.5" and the stamp on the metal says 26-2

Can you get me a price for these. I would be looking at getting two units.
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2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO

Hey there,

Thanks for posting! Yes, you are correct. The balances you have are a custom, Extended-Travel Channel Balance. The length of your balance should measure 26-5/8", only the metal portion.

I do want to make you aware that the clip on your shoe is no longer made, so the replacements will have a different one. The manufacturer has confirmed it to be a direct replacement.

I've forwarded a link so that you may review the quote and place the order from your online cart. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have.

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