Custom Balance inquiry

Thanks for writing in! Your balances appear to be the S795-28 with a 28C stamp. There is a chance that this may not need to be a custom assembly but that will depend on the shape of the installation hole that accepts the balance hook at the top of the window channel. You may be able to use the 26-200 Balance Screw Plug if the shape of the hole is square. Take a look at the video below titled "How to Install the 26-200 Screw Plug" for a detailed explanation. If it is not square-shaped please let me know; this will need to be a custom assembly.
The shoe attached to the balance appears to be the 15-194 1" T-Lock Balance Shoe. To confirm that this is the right replacement, you'll want to confirm the measurement for the width of your shoe.
The balances come assembled with the 15-195 1-1/4" T-Lock Shoe so you will need to swap it out with the 15-194 shoe. There is also a video below detailing how to do this; "How to Install A T-Lock Shoe on a Channel Balance".

Yes, it is a 1" shoe, and the hole at the top of the channel is a small, square-shaped hole.

Hi Mike,
I'm happy to help and thanks for confirming this information! Again, you'll need the S795-28 with a 28C stamp as well as the 15-194 shoe, which is sold separately. Since the hole is square in shape, the 26-200 Balance Screw Plug should work for your balances, so this will not need to be a custom assembly.
Also, don't forget to take a look at the recommended videos when completing the installation process!
I've linked the pivot bar compatible with the shoe below.
Please feel free to reach out with any other hardware repair questions!
