Home Owner from Toronto
I need a roller for aluminium sliding door which was manufactured by your company. It looks to me that the original roller assembly has a flaw and breaks, as per attached pictures.

I replaced rollers on this door two or three time in the past and for last several years it seem to me that the track was worn out and needed replacement. I decided to take a closer look at it since contractor who came to inspect this door several years ago told me that there is no replacement part available and I let it go at that. Since there is nothing wrong with this door and the only thing that is required are two rollers at the bottom of the door.

I visited Home Depot, Lowe's and Canadian Tire today and was told by them that this part is too old and they do not have any idea on how to find a replacement.

When I was in the store I noticed "DEL MAR TORONTO" stamped into the part, see attached pictures.

It would be great to get a replacement or if it was improved since the original part which breaks easy when door is adjusted. Regards, Ihor
User submitted image of their door hardware.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! We actually don't manufacture parts, but we do carry a wide variety of replacement hardware for all sorts of different manufacturers. I think we should be able to help you replace this. I'm instantly reminded of our 81-268 patio glass door roller. Look this over and see how well it matches your roller. Make sure to carefully go over our dimensions, as well. One other aspect I'm not sure about is the tab. It looks like the tab on both rollers in your picture are a little bent out of shape.
Professional from CA
The wheel on this is very narrow. I would have thought this is for a screen. Does this fit tight in the rail? If not, we should be able to find something bigger. Maybe even a tandem roller. Is the door single or dual glazed? If there's room, maybe even 81-175 or 81-160. The only other thing that might make it tough is the high screw hole. Can we see an end view of the channel this fits in with height and width?
Quick Learner from ON
Hi Tom,

I have the same rollers broken. I checked the 81-268, the thickness 9/16(14.3mm) looks a little more than I mine which is about 12-13mm. Could you please check if you carry that?

Thansk you!

Tom from SWISCO

Hi Bill. To be safe, could you show us pictures of your roller? I want to see if there's any clues we might be missing that could point us to a better match. I'll see what I can find from there. 

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