DO you have this balance for me

Quick Learner from Miami, FL
I have a balance with markings 26 DS 45 PT BSI. The metal channel measures 27" by 9/16". The window measures 27" tall by 50" wide and is very heavy, Maimi-Dade code hurricane impact version. It has 2 springs, one inside the other, looks like your 385 series. Any chance you can match it? Thanks.

4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, Mike. I can't confirm what Series you have without actually seeing the nylon attachments on either end of the balance. You should double check the dimensions shown for the Series 385 attachments to confirm that they match your own.

I'm not as sure about the stamp, though. How much does your sash weigh?
Quick Learner from Miami
The plastic end pieces are IDENTICAL!! to the ones in the "how to identify a replacement channel" video. The sash weighs 40 pounds.
Tom from SWISCO
Just because they seem the same doesn't mean they are. There are two winged bottom attachments that you have to consider: our 15-004, which is used for the Series 385 channel balance, and our 15-005, which is used for the Series 380 balance. These two shoes would appear identical at first glance, but they actually have different dimensions. You should compare them to your own hardware to be sure of what you have.
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
As for the option, can you confirm that 40 pounds is the exact weight of your sash? I'm afraid that we do not have any options for a 27" long channel balance that can support that kind of weight.
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