The roller pictured is one of two rollers supporting a wooden framed sliding patio glass door. I believe the rollers are at least 10-15 years old and have worn down to the point where the door will no longer slide. Upon inspection, one of the rollers has worn down off its track of the ball bearings while the other has held up decently. I plan to replace both of them. I have also enclosed the top of the door with two little white wheels. I am assuming those are to guide the door on top. One is missing, but I don't believe this is the main problem. However, if you have a suggestion or replacement for two sets, please let me know.
We plan on renovating our house in the next 12 months so I don't need something that will last forever, but I do need something that will last so we can enjoy actually getting on to our back deck. I'm not sure if this will make a difference in what you recommend.
Thanks for the help!!!