Do I have the 23-010 and 23-200?
Would your 23-010 be the correct replacement for the current bracket?
Also would your 23-200 be the correct door guide for the 1 1/2 " doors.
Thank you
I'm afraid I can't verify whether the 23-010 roller is the right match for your original. This is one possibility, but there are many, many different sizes out there and at this stage you could have any one of them. You need to check the dimensions we show for this part, especially the offset, to verify that they match.
As for the 23-200, this won't work on a 1-1/2" thick door. You can see in its product description that it's only for 3/4" to 1-3/8" thick panels, which falls short of what you need. We unfortunately don't sell anything that can work for a 1-1/2" sized door, specifically. 1-3/8" is fairly common. You may want to check that detail just to be safe.