When we spoke the other day, you suggested that I send you a picture of the wood casement crank mechanism (rather than sending it on to you) that I am trying to replace. If I can't get an entire new one (or several), I could use some handles.
Here are some specs:
1) The length of the handle is about 2 1/2 inches (if you don't include the end piece that fits in the hand, it's 2 1/8 inches). In the picture, it is the gray handle.
2) The length of the arm from the part that is bolted down to the window sill (rectangular gray part) and determines how far the window can open is 8 inches.
3) The length of the piece that fastens to the window with three wood screws is 12 inches long.
Please let me know if you need further information. I have my fingers crossed!
Thank you so much for your help.