Does the operator cover keep the screw gear in place?

Quick Learner from New Jersy
Nov 23, 2012 11:46 am
Seems many are suffering from the broken operator covers as I am. When I removed a broken cover, the screw gear (where handle attaches) that operates the crank assembly screws right out when operated. Does the cover actually keep this in place during operation? If so, I see why they crack. Just want to make sure something else isn't askew before I order operator covers.
2 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Nov 26, 2012 9:42 am

Thanks for posting! Actually, the operator cover does not keep the screw gear in place. If yours is coming out, it probably means that the crank operator itself is broken and will need to be replaced. Do you know what type of Andersen Operator you have?
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