NOTICE: offices will be closed Monday, January 20th, reopening Tuesday, January 21st.

Door T-Slot Seal

Home Owner from Ridge Manor, Fl
This seal is from my front door, original to the house built in 1984. I have searched every where but can't find anything
that can replace it.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
We have received your sample weather stripping bubble. I have one question before I make a recommendation. Does this push into a slot in the window frame, or does it slide into a groove? I am unable to tell for sure based on the sample alone.
Quick Learner from Ridge Manor, Fl
It slides into the T-Slot
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thank you. In that case, see our 58-135. This is the closest possible match we have been able to find.
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