Door handle Sliding Door to Deck

Quick Learner
May 24, 2011 10:17 am
The door handle I have is 9 1/4" high - it has a curved metal that fits into a 7/8" track like shape on the door frame. The screws/bolts come into it frame from the flat part of the door and reach in to fit the handle. The screws/bolts are 8 5/8" apart.

In opening the door the curved metal part broke.

Can you help me to get this replacement part?
If you have an image of the handle that would help.

Thanks Bob
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
May 24, 2011 10:33 am
Good Morning Bob,

Are you able to send us an image of the handle you are looking for?

Do you know what brand door you have? Are there any names, numbers, or markings on your current handle set?
Quick Learner
May 24, 2011 10:40 am

It think I found it on your catalog and ordered it, 88-004.

Let me know if you think this is it. The name on the door is Acorn Dorwal.
Bob - Sorry no photos
Tom from SWISCO
May 24, 2011 11:00 am
I am not sure if the 88-004 is what you need or not. Right off the bat I see that the installation holes are different. You said your current handle installation holes are 8-5/8" apart and the 88-004 is 8-1/2" apart.

I would really like to see your handle set. If the 88-004 does not work, take a moment to snap a few images of your original handle set and submit them here for us to look at.
Handy Person from Riva, Md.
Sep 21, 2011 8:51 am
I am looking for the same part for a Acorn Dorwal, as quick learner same dimensions can you tell me if the 88-004 worked I would like to order two of them one broke the other must not be far behind want to replace both
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