Thanks for posting. Sorry, but our website failed to upload your photos properly. Can you email them to us at Please be sure to include your discussion ID number D317382 so we know what discussion to reference.
Note that we do not carry a handle set with 17" hole spacing, and I am afraid I suspect we will not be able to replace this. However, pictures will confirm this one way or the other, as well as whether or not we can offer any substitute. We'll do our best to help you from there.
Thanks, these photos are a huge help. Take a look at our 82-002 handle set, I think this might be exactly what you're looking for.
We do offer a white option for this handle set, which is our 82-002WK. Just note that this handle set is currently only sold with an exterior key lock; we don't have a non-keyed version.
As for other parts you may need, that's difficult to answer. It depends on what condition the hardware on your door is. You will have to give your door a good once-over to ensure that everything is in good working order. Otherwise, the 82-002 and 82-002WK should be compatible with all existing hardware.