Thank you for reaching out to us. We may have the hardware you need but I'm afraid this sticker doesn't help us with the identification process. In order to assist, we will need you to remove the pin covers and show us some photos. Additionally, we'd like you to write out the diameter of the pin shaft and the diameter of the nylon cap cover, where it fits into the track.
I've attached pictures of each of the two bottom pins. One is smooth and is adjusted simply with the bolt. The other is threaded with a smaller diameter where it sets in the floor. This pin is slotted at the top to allow for fine adjustments with a screw driver. I need the plastic tips for each.
Are they available?
Thank you,
The 21-001 will replace the worn-out bottom threaded pivot pin you show. My apologies, I didn't catch the guide pin photo. For the spring-loaded guide pin, Slimfold now uses the 21-007 guide pin. This will replace the other three pins in your door. The bottom and top guide pins and the top pivot pin.