Double door weather stripping

Home Owner from Summerville, SC
I have this special type of a weather strip that goes on some double metal emergency exit doors that seem to be an after market add on. The weather strip is in a brass holder,, and the other side is solid, designed to press and rub on the pile weather stripping. Both sides are spring loaded for a positive seal.

The back measures 9/32 and the pile is 1/4th in tall. See attached photos.

User submitted photos of weatherstripping.
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Good afternoon, and thanks for posting. It's a bit hard for me to tell if your wool pile has a fin from your pictures, but if it does, you may want to consider our 58-045. Let me know!
Quick Learner from Summerville, SC
What do you mean by a fin?
Tom from SWISCO
The fin would be a thin strip of nylon that runs straight through the center of the wool itself.
Quick Learner from Summerville, SC
Here are some more pictures of the situition that I am working with. All I want to know is do you have a pile stripping that will work. I saw one on the site that I thought might work.
Tom from SWISCO
The best match we have to your listed dimensions is our 58-045, which has a 9/32" base and a 1/4" height, same as yours. Do you think that will work?
Quick Learner from Summerville, SC
It depends, is is a pile or a brush? Did you get the second set of pictures that I sent?
Casey from SWISCO
The 58-045 is standard pile weatherstrip with a fin-seal to provide maximum performance for sealing out air and water penetration. The clear pliable weather barrier provides excellent compression set resistance to allow for maximum sealing.
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