Drawer Guide Help

Handy Person from Kernersville, NC
I need something similar, but a much more heavy duty to your #32-083 Corner Tack Glide. Your #32-305 Shelf Support may be a candidate, but I'd need to drill a 1/4" hole for the peg and another screw hole to steady the whole affair.

The pictures are attached. I don't have any markings that I can identify at the moment on the broken parts. The night stand has markings HVT 122-150. Many thanks for you help.

18 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
In my opinion, the Swisco 32-093 Corner Brace seems to be the best candidate.
Home Owner from new york
Hi there,
You have the Kenlin case runner and drawer socket which I found. However, I cannot find the attached part on your website. It goes on both sides of the drawer but is screwed into the cabinetry where the drawer slides into. Perhaps it keeps the drawer in place and balance. Attached are the pics of the part. It is dark brown in color and measures 1 3/16 inch x 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch. I am not certain if this is a Kenlin part. Please help if you can. Thanks.
Casey from SWISCO
Hi Jay,
The closest guide we have to your sample is SWISCO product code 32-083, Corner Tack Glide.
Also check out SWISCO product 32-091, Corner Brace.
Handy Person from Tarzana, CA
I was replacing a guide and broke this piece on the left hand side. What is it called and how do I go about ordering another one? Thanks!

User submitted photo of their drawer guide.
Tom from SWISCO
Bill, I believe we have a couple parts that may work in your cabinet.

Take a look at the 32-083 Corner Tack Glide, which is the nail-in type.

Also, look at the 32-091 Vertical Corner Brace.
Handy Person from Tarzana, CA
Thanks Mike, but those items are not what I'm looking for. I've purchased drawer guides from you previously, but it appears you may not have the item I need. Thanks again.

Casey from SWISCO
Hi Bill,
Just wanted to let you know we are working on this.
I'll get back to you soon.
Tom from SWISCO
Bill, we were unable to find the exact shape you're looking for.

If you cannot locate it, try one or both of the 32-083 Track Glide and 32-091 Corner Brace.
Home Owner from Bartlett, TN
I have that identical guide on my furniture. It has a recessed screw hole to the inside of the verticle. The tack guide will not work. The drawer guide it is installed with is the 32-082. Can you advise me as to the specifie guide?
User submitted picture of corner glide.
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find anything like your hardware. One possibility is using the 32-083 track glide and the 32-091 corner brace together. As for the hole, can you try to mount the 32-083 in front of that hole, so that it wont interfere?
Quick Learner from Bartlett, TN
I will certainly look and give it a try. Thanks
Home Owner from Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I just bought some of these guides that are attached to the rear of the drawer tracks: Kenlin Drawer Socket
32-081. I need the L-shaped plastic guides that are screwed on to the left and right sides of the drawer openings in the dresser. Could you tell me what they are called or how to order them, please. As you can see, the image is missing the end part (like a circle) where the screw secures it to the wood.
Thank you!
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for contacting us! Based on your picture, I think you should take a look at our 32-083 Corner Tack Glide, as well as our 32-020 Corner Glide. Let me know what you think of these.
Quick Learner from Fleming Island, Fl
This part is in an Alexander Julian chest of drawers purchased at Rhodes about 8 years ago. I have ordered 2 other parts from you for the same chest which were Kenlin parts. This has no identifying marks. It is a side drawer guide. Any help would be appreciated.
Casey from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! I don't think we have this exact guide, but you may want to consider our 32-083. You would need to mount this in front of, or behind where the old guide was installed.
Quick Learner from Tampa, Fl

I just placed an order for the Kenlin drawer guides to replace some broken ones on my dressers. In addition though to the center guides, there are plastic L-shaped guides on the sides of the drawer opening to help keep the drawer aligned during opening and closing, and several of those are broken as well, but I dont see them listed in the "related parts" area. Are these available?


Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Terry. I have placed you into an existing discussion regarding this very guide. As you can see in the posts above, we do not have an exact replacement, but you may want to consider our 32-083 as a possible substitute. Let me know what you think.
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