Drawer Sockets for slide tracks

Handy Person from New Rochelle,NY and Atlantic City
Please advise if you have sockets that can be used to replace attached sketches.
User submitted picture of drawer socket.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting.

It appears the Swisco 32-012 and 32-089 Drawer Track Sockets are close matches. Take a look and see what you think.
Handy Person from New Rochelole, NY
Item 32-012 appears to have a small bead at the top and bottom corners reducing the 1" internal height to 13/16". Will those corner beads interfere with the 1" high track as shown in the sketch? Thank you.
Paul from SWISCO
No, I do not believe it should interfere.
Home Owner from Connecticut
My broken rear mount looks almost identical to the drawing by the New Rochelle/Atlantic City handy person. The 32-089 replacement part extends over 3 inches on to the side-mounted drawer slides, whereas my broken one, like the one in the drawing, extends only about 2.5 inches. Will the replacement work? Other measurements seem fine.

For what it's worth, I can see a part number on my existing mount - 60.1890. No manufacturer, of course.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
As long as as you have room in the cabinet, it should be fine. You could always cut it, if possible.
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