Drawer slide socket

Handy Person from Erving Massachusetts
Hello,I am looking for the part pictured above,The Wellborn cabinets we have are twenty five plus years and this part is breaking.
I was hoping you could identify or suggest a replacement.Thanks!
1 user uploaded image
6 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hello there!

Take a look at the 32-025 and 32-094 hanging drawer brackets. They aren't exact matches but review the specifications and see if you think one of them could work for you. 

Profile view of 32-025
Profile view of 32-025

Detail of 32-025
Detail of 32-025

Alternate image for 32-094
Alternate image for 32-094

Alternate view of 32-094
Alternate view of 32-094

Alternate image for 32-094
Alternate image for 32-094

Handy Person from Erving Massachusetts
Thank You for the response.I will get to measuring the bracket in a few days.Thanks again!.
Emily from SWISCO

No problem!

Quick Learner from Fleming Island Fl
How do I order the 32-025 brackets. I think they will work. Just need a pair to start. 
Emily from SWISCO

You can place an order on our website at your convenience! 

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