I have what "apperas" to be an ELIXIR Series 400 Outward Opening Right hand hinhed Exterior Door on a Fleetwood Modular Home manufactured in 2000... Siad door has a "continuous" strip of aluminum with 1/2 of 3 hinges integral to the "strip. The door has an ofset hinge similar to ELIXIR part number 0210608 and 0210609. I have secured three of these "1/2" hinges with a new nylon bushing... EACH hinge assembly has two "post/pins" seperated by a spring - much like your 40-165 storm door hinge pin repair klit.
NOW FOR THE QUESTION... Would you know if YOUR repair kit (p/n 40-165) will "fit" my application?
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jan 24, 2012 3:34 pm
Thanks for posting. Unfortunately, looking at these pictures, I'm not sure if the 40-165 Storm Door Hinge Repair Kit will fit in your door hinge or not. If I were you, I would take some measurements of your pins and compare them to our 40-165.
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