Extended-Travel Channel Balance Quote

Quick Learner
I need a pair of balancers for a window that doesn't have any, so I have no old one to compare to. I did order balancers from you guys before for my other windows, so they should be the same. I attached photos of balancers from my other windows. The window I need this pair for is 34 inches in height, so I think the balancer channel should be 16 inches or so in length. Let me know if you need more info, and thanks in advance.
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5 Replies
Quick Learner from Las Cruces
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Emily from SWISCO

Hello there!

Thank you for reaching out to us. Are there any identically sized windows in the house? If there are, we can use that window's hardware as a reference. Let us know and we can go from there. 

Quick Learner from Las Cruces
There are not unfortunately, no other similar windows with balancers.
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you for confirming. Do you happen to know if the windows are the same brand and type? 

Can you tell us the visible glass height for the window sash with the missing balances? We will need to know the weight of the sash as well. 

We would also like to know the visible glass height for the window sash that has the 27-4 balances. 

With that information, we can make an educated guess as to what the proper length might've been. Note that we can't promise our replacements will work without seeing the original hardware. Just something to keep in mind as custom orders are nonrefundable. 

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