Felt Like Window Weatherstrip

Quick Learner from California

I'm hoping you can help me locate something on your website - if it is indeed available. I'm working with vertical sliding windows that I'm using your 28" / 380 series channel balances. What I am actually looking for is a sort of felt like material that fits into a groove on the back of the window sill that helps insulate as well as give the window something glide against so the window isn't just "metal on metal"... these windows are about 20 years old...but you have had every other "old" part I've needed...so I'm hoping the fact that I can't find it on your website...is just a matter of me not knowing the proper name by which to look it up. I'm attaching a picture as well...

I look forward to your reply as everyone there has been very helpful!


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4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Kevin! This felt lining is what is known as Wool Pile Weatherstripping. I can't really tell what yours is based on the picture; off hand, it looks like it may be our 58-004, but I can't say for sure. Compare its dimensions to yours and see what you think.
Quick Learner from Trabuco Canyon, CA
Well you have obviously looked at many a window...because I didn't supply any rough dimensions (I should have), yet from the measurements I'm seeing...you got it spot on! Many Thanks!

If you can give me any insight on how to install this weatherstripping in a closed channel (where I can't simply slide it in from one end of the channel)I would really appreciate it!

Once again...you guys are the best...Many Thanks!
Paul from SWISCO
That's great news, Kevin! I'm glad that it matched up.

Replacing wool pile in a closed channel is easier than you think. First, you'll have to cut out the old weatherstripping--there's no graceful way about it. Then, to install the new weatherstripping, you can put one corner of the pile base in and ease the rest in with a putty knife.
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