Gorell Window Latch

Contractor from Lexington, SC
Here are some pictures of mine from my Gorell windows. The latch on the left side of the window (as viewed from the inside) got stuck in the open position. I am not sure why. I wrestled it out with putty knife. There may be a broken tip on the plastic piece on the end of the spring and I "may" be able to rebuild it if I can get a picture of what it is supposed to look like. The latch on the right side of the window remains functional and is shown in the other pictures. I may have to remove the right latch to get a good look, but I hate to risk moving backwards! These were installed in +/- 2002. I only need a left side latch, but I would buy several of each if I can find them. Thanks!
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2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO


Unfortunately, I believe that your internal tilt latch has been discontinued. Take a look at the video below to determine if you could install one of our surface-mounted replacements. 

I'm sorry that we won't be able to supply an exact match but please let us know if you have any other hardware questions. Thanks for posting! 

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