Hardware Truth

Handy Person from Marina Del Rey Ca.

I need to find out all the hardware that has this kind of window.

I know the brand is Thrth, I already ordered with you Encore Awning and Window Lock.


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9 Replies
Handy Person from Marina Del Rey Ca.
I know the brand is Thrth, I already ordered with you Encore Awning and Window Lock.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO


Starting with the window hinge, take a look at the 36-004-10. This looks like the type you have but I'm not sure of the length you need. You'll need to measure the base that attaches to the window sill to confirm which hinge matches yours. 

As for the operator, take a look at the 39-253RB, which uses the 39-529 track slider. I believe this could be the operator you have but I can't see the end on the operator's arm under the window sash, so make sure to confirm yours uses the same slider. Take a look at the hardware and videos related on this page. Thanks for posting!

Handy Person from Marina Del Rey Ca.
In the first picture, the part that I need is in the top of the window.
How many sizes are?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

You're welcome to look through our full selection of hinges here showing all of the sizes we offer. You'll need to measure the base of your original hinge to confirm if the 10" replacement we mentioned will work or if you might need a larger size. 

Handy Person from Marina Del Rey Ca.
Thank you, but the part that I need actually is the base, does the part come separate with the hinges?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

The base does not come separately but you can measure the base shown in your image below to determine the length you need. 

Handy Person from Marina Del Rey Ca.
Thank you so much for your help, I"ll get the meassurements to place the order.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

We're happy to help. Just let us know if you need anything else. 

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