I recently bought a vacation home that has inexpensive storm windows with screens, about a half dozen of which are broken at various points. I do not know the brand name. The corners look a lot like
, but the tilt corners are plastic and don't exactly match anything I see on the website. 95-015 looks like they might work. What do you think? (Note that the attached photo show the width of the arm as 3/16". I think 5/32 is more accurate.)
A few of the latches are also broken and I don't see anything that matches them. I have also attached a photo of a latch. I have not yet removed one as I didn't want to risk breaking something that couldn't be replaced. The latch appears to be held in place by the corner piece and the frame is dimpled to hold the spring. The latches are 3 5/6" long and the end is 7/16" wide and about 7/32" thick at the widest point. Is there anything that might work for this?
If this helps, the frames are 5/16" and both the storm windows and the screens appear to use the same hardware.