two new window sash balances

Handy Person from Long beach, CA

Good afternoon, I need to buy 2 new window sash Balances. I've uploaded 5 photos. Let me know if you need any other information. thank you

5 user uploaded images
6 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


We'd be happy to look into this for you but we'll need a bit more information to narrow down your options. If you could show us the connecting point between the spring and pulley inside the metal channel, that would help us confirm if our stock balances could work for your repair or if they would need to be special ordered. Thank you!

Handy Person from Long beach, CA
Good evening, Casey, thank you for the response. Here are more up close photos of the spring connected to the pulley.Let me know if you need more.
5 user uploaded images
Casey from SWISCO

Great, thank you! Based on your photos, you can use the S380-22 or the S385-22 channel balances. The best match will depend on the depth of the bottom shoe, so you'll have to measure as shown below. You can also select the 2140 stamp option for your replacements.

Let us know if you have any questions! 

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.

Handy Person from Long beach, CA
Good morning, Casey. thank you so much for this information as well as the reference photos. I'm gonna get the S385, and I will order today. Have a great weekend.
Casey from SWISCO

I'm happy I could help. Enjoy your weekend and good luck with the repair! 

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