Help finding window channel balance

I came across this thread as I can't seem to find an available channel balance in the size I need.
Balances needed: 1
Length of the metal channel: appears to be 25 5/8" (see photo)
Sash weight: likely 24lbs
Can you please LMK if you have this in stock or if it would need to be a custom order? Also, what would be the cost and lead time to get?
Thanks much.

Hello! Yes, this balance must be custom ordered. What you have here is called an "extended travel" channel balance, named for its unique block and tackle system.
Thankfully your photos tell us just about everything we need to get started. Just note that the minimum order quantity for a custom balance like this is 2. Hopefully that's okay.
For now, please give me a little time to confirm the availability of this size and I'll get back to you ASAP. Once I have that, I'll email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you add 2 of these to your cart. You may then checkout as normal.

Okay, we're good to go on our end. What I'll do now is email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you add 2 of these to your cart. You may then checkout as normal.