Help identifying replacement part

Home Owner from 32789
Here are two images of the shoe on a channel balance from a malfunctioning window. The window measures 31.5" high and the channel balance (just metal channel, excluding plastic hardware) is 29" long and 1/2" wide. I can't determine which shoe part this to select the correct Series # to replace it. Can you please help?
User submitted photos of a window balance.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
This shoe is either our 15-001 or 15-002, though I cannot tell just by eyeballing it. You will have to carefully go over the dimensions for both shoes and see which is closer to your own. Make sure to account for wear when you measure your own hardware.
Quick Learner from 32789
Thank you, Paul.

Ok - so the measurements I've taken are closest to 15-002 (1" H x 1" L x 1/2" W). However the general shape of the shoe I have is different from Swisco's. I've attached more photos here.

Ultimately, I need to replace entire channel balances in 3-4 windows so I'm trying to identify which series will replace my existing hardware.

Thank you again.
Paul from SWISCO
I have received your new pictures. The shape is not so different that I think it will affect anything. I would only concentrate on the measurements compared to our 15-001 and 15-002.
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