Help with window operator

Quick Learner from New Jersey

I have two windows with 39-393 controllers but with pro handles that keep falling out. I ordered 2 of the 39-393 controllers to replace them with. I've disconnected the 2 arms and removed the 4 screws but the old controllers won't come out, they are somewhat loose but still feels like something holding them from coming out. Any ideas?


4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO


We can't be sure without being there to troubleshoot the problem but it's possible that the operators may have been installed with a type of double-sided adhesive under the operator body or some type of sealant to prevent leakage. Try using a thin putty knife under the operator to help loosen it from the window frame. Let us know how you make out and if you have any other questions. 

Purchasing Agent from Manchester New Hampshire
I have ordered part # 39-393. It is the incorrect part. Need help finding the correct one.
please see the picture. I need the one that has one arm that doesn't bend. It is the smaller looking one. part says the following on it:
0P06-7504-00 PL1
1-15-16 159905.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 user uploaded image
Casey from SWISCO

Your original operator resembles the 39-341 for casement windows. We also offer the 39-342 opposite-handed version, as well as the 39-232 handle used with these assemblies. Review the dimensions below and let us know if you have any other questions. 

Alternate image for 39-341
Alternate image for 39-341

Side profile view with additional measurements
Side profile view with additional measurements

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