How do you replace these partition door latches?

Hello! Please review the installation diagram below. This should help you determine how to use the 10-554 partition door latch to repair your door.

I'm sorry to say that I've never personally worked with lavatory partition hardware, so I can't give more specific instructions. My only advice would be to be careful you do not damage the frame during the removal of the old door latch.
If I ever find out more information on how to remove the old door latch from other contractors I work with, I will relate them to you as best as I can. Otherwise please let me know if you come across a solution yourself, I'd love to know!

Take your visegrips and twist off the inside knob. This will allow you to push the latch all the way out, giving you access to the inside of the unit. With the latch out, put your screwdriver into the outside indicator opening, with the handle out towards the extended latch, pry the outer plate, so that the side closest to the hinge, is off the door surface about an 1/16". Now, from the inside, use your screwdriver and hammer to punch, using the indicator opening again as your punch point, hit it and it should come out. Mine did, but your results may vary.

That's great advice! Thanks so much for the tip. I hope this will help others struggling with this project.