How to install S500-27
Home Owner from Upper Darby, PA
Apr 13, 2015 9:07 am
Hi, I am having a very difficult time installing my spiral balances, and I was hoping you might be able to help. I purchased from you the S500-27 : 27" Series 500 Spiral Balance and the 17-012 : Bracket, #32. No matter what I do, I can't get the foot of the spiral balance to hook into the mounted bracket. It seems to me like the brass bar on the foot of the spiral balance is not thick enough to stay in place, or that there is too much space in the latching area of the bracket. The brass bar simply won't stay securely within the latch. It's difficult to handle when the tension is on the spiral, so for the sake of argument, I tried to hook the foot onto the bracket without the tension, and I couldn't get it to latch then, either. I also tried to hook it after tensioning with the tension tool removed, holding it with various kinds of pliers. No luck. Can you suggest a different kind of bracket that would work better? Or a different technique, perhaps? I have watched a lot of videos available online, but nothing seems to suggest that this part of the process can be handled more easily. Thank you for any information!! Lauren
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Apr 14, 2015 2:49 pm
Hey, Lauren. Hopefully I can help. First, I assume you have wood sashes. You will need another person to help you on this technique of installation. With the sash down, slide the balance behind the sash and screw the top of it to the track. Do the same on both sides. Now raise the sash up. Have your friend hold the sash up while you hook the 17-012 bracket to the balance cross piece. Now spin the spiral with the bracket up to the sash and give the spiral another three turns. You should feel the tension build as you do this. Finally, screw the bracket to the bottom of the sash. Repeat for the other side. That should work.
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