I bought your turn clip, rivet tool, and pop rivets in order #2341611 and viewed the video on how to install. Unfortunately I am having difficulty removing my existing pop rivets to get to where your video starts. I used a 7/32 drill bit (did not want to enlarge the hole so I went slightly smaller) and drilled and drilled but it didn't come out. I stopped after realizing if I pushed too hard, the drill bit might continue on and through the other side. I have done a variety of jobs around the house enough to be called a senior novice but never did anything with pop rivets. I have 48 pop rivets to put in minimum so I need a real plan and not a one time Jerry-rig. What am I doing wrong? Is there another tool I should be using? Thanks! Richard
How to remove pop rivets

Home Owner
Jun 9, 2024 3:32 pm
2 Replies

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jun 12, 2024 9:39 am

Hi there Richard.
Pop rivets can be a problem to remove in a screen frame. I have removed rivets a few different ways. I first try to drill out the head of the rivet using a 1/8" drill bit (the size diameter of the pop rivet). If that fails, try using a small chisel or flat-blade screwdriver wedged up under the head of the rivet to keep it from spinning when you drill. My last idea is to use a set of "side cutters" and cut the head off of the rivet.