I can't find my balances in my window!

Contractor from Crestline CA
I believe this is a Betterbuilt window. The window won't stay up so I'm sure it needs balances. I have never seen this type of system before. It is a tilt-out but I don't see the balance.
User submitted a photo of a window balance.
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Looks like you might have a coil balance system. I say this because I see something that resembles our 15-186 in your jamb. Can you confirm? If so, you may also have our 15-180 shoe and Series 190 coil spring. Check them out and see what you think. You may also want to see our video tutorial on how to replace this type of balance system.
Contractor from Crestline
Thanks Paul, I'm pretty sure that's it. I appreciate the video as well.
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