Milgard saggy window problem with no adjustment ability

Handy Person from Seattle
I have the same problem as another customer.  My window on the swinging outside edge sags and has to be picked up to close.  I do not have that cool milgard adjustment screw that youtube says is used to adjust.  Building built around 2006.  The material hinges appear to be weak and have a lot of flexiblity that is not corrected by tightening screws.  My guess is just worn/weakened hinges.  Next, because the window was closed and not aligned it messed up the bottom window frame piece.  Any chance you can identify a replacement for the hinges and the frame piece?  Thank you
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Casey from SWISCO


Unfortunately, we do not carry your Roto casement hinges but the 36-048 Hinge Set has been used by past customers with this setup. Note that modifications such as drilling new installation holes would be required. You'll need to be careful not to drill too far into the frame since you could potentially hit the glass.

Also, keep in mind you will need to replace both the top and bottom hinges to ensure the integrity of the window's function. This set can be used for right and left-handed applications. 

As for the damage to the frame, unfortunately, that is not something that we can help with. You may want to try reaching out to Milgard directly to determine if it can be repaired. Thanks for posting. 

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