Identify broken tilt pin & broken latch

Home Owner from Aiken, SC
I am the original buyer of a home built in 2001 in which all the original windows were manufactured by M & W. I understand that M & W has been acquired by Ply Gem Windows. Their area sales rep referred me to you to find two replacement parts.

One of the windows has both (1) a broken pivot pin at the bottom, and (2) a broken latch at the top. Pictures of both are attached with a ruler in each photo providing the length of each broken part.

Can you help me identify the parts? Let me know if you need any other information.

Thanks for your help,
User submitted photos of window hardware.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Our 26-243 and 26-244 tilt latches could work for you I would recommend removing yours to confirm our measurements are the same. The pivot bar, meanwhile, looks like our 26-366. See what you think!
Home Owner from Aiken, SC
Thanks Paul, the 26-366 pivot bar looks to be just what I need.

Unfortunately, the two tilt latches you suggested have square ends while the one I seek has one rounded end. What I need looks more like 26-371 but that is 1/2" too short. 26-439 is the right length but is a surface mount, not a snap-in. 26-442 looks like the right shape, and is spring loaded as is the original broken part, but no dimensions are given. I need it to be approximately 2-1/2" long. A picture of the broken latch was included with my original inquiry. This time I've also attached a picture of an unbroken latch in case this helps.

Thanks again for your assistance.

User submitted a photo of a tilt latch.
Paul from SWISCO
The tilt latches I recommended also have round ends. The only part that's square is the top lip, which does not affect installation or function. We have more detailed pictures on the 26-243 and 26-244 store pages if you wanted a better look.
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