Initial charge of new spiral balances

Quick Learner from Peoria, Il
Jun 23, 2011 4:00 pm
When installing a set of new balancers, how many turns should be used as a initial starting point for setting the tension.

In as much as over tightening can damage the spiral, having a good starting point seems valuable.
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 24, 2011 8:31 am
Good Morning,

I usually start with about (3) rotations. Then I try opening and closing the window sash. If the sash drops a little (or a lot) you need to add tension. If the sash goes up on its own, you have too much tension. I will keep adding tension little by little until the window sash moves up and down perfectly. Some windows may need as much as (12) rotations before there is enough tension - but I recommend slowly building up the number of rotations using the procedure I described.
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