Insulate Windows snap-in glazing

Home Owner from Truckee, CA
These parts go to the sliding panes of an XOX window. Windows were made around 1999 by Insulate, which was bought out by Certain Teed, which is now out of the window business. Some of these pieces have broken, others are warped and won't stay snapped in. The overall width of the piece is 1", with the long arm that rests against the window pane being 3/4", and the short arm that snaps in the channel being 1/4-5/16". The two arms are at roughly 45 degrees to each other. The color of the window is either beige or almond. I hope you can help me with something that will work in this situation. Thanks.
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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO

We believe you can use our 55-192 beige color snap-in. Please compare your glazing to the dimensions on our product page to make sure that this will work for you. Thank you!

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