Is a 2730 J a special order?

Handy Person from Pittsburgh
2730 J window balance series 350 28" inches, with 19-002 top and a 15-004 bottom
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! No, the 2730 option is not a special order for our S350-28. If you aren't sure whether the 2730 is correct or not, you can always weigh your window sash and compare it to the weight range chart shown for our S350-28 just to confirm.
Quick Learner
Thanks for the respose. Just to clarify, the balance has a 2730J with B.S.I. samped on the channel ... the B.S.I is vertical and 2730J is horizontal on the channel. Is it still not a special order?
Tom from SWISCO
The B.S.I. is just the company that made your balance. I'm honestly not sure what that J is, though. Your best bet at this point is to weigh your sash and compare it to the weight chart shown for the S350-28.
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