Thanks for posting, Scott. I'm not sure if there's anything you can do to repair the screw hole on your handle. Your best bet would be to replace the whole set. Before I can recommend anything, though, could you please give me the distance between your screw-hole-centers?
Thanks for the quick reply. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. The problem is not the screw hole on the handle. It's the nut for lack of a better description), the screw, screws into, that is inside the frame of the door. It no longer sits snugly. I believe, the way it was manufactured was a hole, slightly smaller than the diameter of the nut, was drilled. The nut was then fitted inside and it holds in place w/pressure, b/c it is slightly larger than the hole itself. The nut eventually worked its way loose and now the hole is larger than the nut, allowing movement. When loose enough, I can pull on the screw and the screw and attached nut slide out of the frame. I then take a pair of pliers, grasp the nut, remove it from the screw and have two pieces.
I've attempted to use a heavy duty "Gorilla" glue to try and hold the nut back in place, but it eventually works loose again.
If you look at the photo above that shows the exterior plastic handle (black) on the door. See the hole at the top? Due to sun/age, the plastic eventually failed when the tip of the screw pushed out and through. That's also when I started getting "play" on the inside handle and the movement mentioned in my initial query.
The above said, if a new locking unit can fix the problem, I'm all about that. I somehow don't think that will do the trick though, unless you know something I don't.
Finally, I'm currently overseas and won't return until the 17th. I will get you the distance measurement between the two screw holes upon return.
Thanks again for your time.
From what you've described, I believe that if we replace your exterior handle the problem will be solved. It sounds like the screw holes are stripped. Once I have the dimensions of your exterior handle, I can see if I can find a suitable replacement.
The distance between the screw holes, center to center is 3-15/16".
Those are measurements from the interior handle.
Look forward to hearing from you.