Key locking patio door latch

Handy Person from Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
Good morning, 
I bought a Summit patio door from  Menards, part number NVPD7280WEM, and the latch that comes with the door does not have a key lock. The mounting holes for the latch are 4 inches center to center. The door i replaced did have a key lock and i preffered it as my primary egress when  leaving or coming home. Im going to guess that i have to replace the whole latch since the  hole on  the  outside is centered and the mortice latch is offset to the bottom. What part or kit would i need to  buy to replace this or make it have a functioning key lock? 
thank you, 
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2 Replies
Lauren from SWISCO

Hello, thank you for posting,

If the thumb lever is offset towards the bottom of the handle instead of centered, we recommend reviewing the 82-030B keyed handle set. This handle set has a 3-15/16" installation hole spacing form center to center. Please double check dimensions and let us know if you have any additional questions! 

Dimensions for 82-030B
Dimensions for 82-030B

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