Lawson SH-7700 Balance, shoes and sash guide

Thanks for posting! I'm happy to recommend replacements for the balances and the top sash guides needed to repair you windows but I'll need to see photos of the hardware to identify them. The stamp from the balance only indicates the weight range it can carry to support the sash weight; unfortunately, I cannot use it to confirm the exact series you need.
In regard to the top sash guides, I'll need to see photos of it from a front and side profile to determine the best fit.
Please feel free to reach out with any other questions you might have.

Thanks for the additional photos. The 18-192 Top Sash Guide can be used to replace the one you have here. Be sure to double check the dimensions shown on the website to confirm that this is the correct replacement.
In regard to the balances, please refer to the response above for details about the stamp. I'll need to see the photo of the bottom shoe to be able to identify the correct replacement for the balances.
Our video tutorials below provides details on the what we'll need to see to identify the correct balance replacements and how to remove/install them.
Please feel free to reach out with any other questions.