Looking for a part

Quick Learner from West Warwick, Ri

Good Morning?

Thanks for email back yesterday

Today I add a new photo with all the information about the windows

Just to remind I need the black part in point in the photo

Thank you


1 user uploaded image
4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there Fatima.

I'm afraid we can't use the window sticker to ID what you may have. If you're looking for a new pivot bar, we must see an undamaged version removed from the window sash along with the dimensions. We'll do our best to help from there.

Quick Learner from West Warwick, Ri


33 1/2 x 56 1/2 2174010- 00 stock building supply 2174010-00 AALLOCH CON That the windows specification I just need the pivot bars

Thank you

PS I will pay


Emily from SWISCO

This information doesn't tell us the hardware your window uses. Seeing an undamaged pivot bar removed from the window is the only way for us to help. I apologize for any inconvenience. 

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