Looking for rubber gasket for double paned window

Also looking for small roller units that are part sliding portion of window. Your Merzon roller 87-180 looks close but not exact.

Thanks for contacting us! The rubber spline you're looking for might be our 59-234. This is designed for 5/8" thick glass and its height is 1/2". Please compare it to your sample and let me know what you think.
For the Viking sliding window roller, are you able to remove the wheel assembly and send over a photo of it? Can you also tell me its dimensions as compared to the 87-180? You say that the 87-180 is close, but I can't see what you have in your photos. That would be a huge help, thank you!

I thought I included a pict of the roller, but must have left it out. Find it attached. The screw hold dimension 1-5/8" is the same as 87-180 and the notches for the rollers look the same, but on mine there is only one roller and it seems to be made of plastic and rubber rather than metal.I await your opinion.
Gasket looks perfect. Are these usually held on with some kinf of adhesive?
As soon as I get your verdict on roller, I will sent in my order.

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, we can be positive that the 87-180 rollers will ft in your sash. It is in fact for a Merzon window company that we know is popular in the California area. The concave brass wheels are used for heavy sashes. I am afraid I really can\'t see if your wheels are flat or concave shaped.
As for the glass spline, no adhesive is necessary. When installing the spline on the glass, we start at the top. in the middle, and start wrapping the glass. We also place slits for the corners and bring it up to meet the other end in the middle. Get back to us and let us know if this information helped you.

I also have 5/8" glass unit that I want to replace the channel glazing. The description for 59-234 says its for 1/2 glass, but in your response to a customer on this thread you said it was for 5/8" glass. Can you please clarify the dimensions for me.
Thanks, Steve

I'm very sorry for the confusion; the 59-234 is designed for 1/2" thick glass but a 5/8" opening. That was an incorrect usage of terminology on my part. Sorry again!