We have Mastic windows which we purchased through C&S Distributors, 5' x 5' sliding windows, which started to bow. Before the company went out of business, we addressed this with our windows upstairs by adding a third latch to the windows to hold in the bow from the middle but they did not give us enough latches for the basement windows. They eventually did but we did not get around to fixing the downstairs until now and, of course, now we realized they gave us the wrong keeper/striker needed for our windows (I believe is what it is called).
They did give us #9402 but the keeper/striker is not flat enough to use on our sliding windows.
The rivots are approximately 7/8" apart but we are putting it on a new spot centered on the window so 7/8" is not critical.
We'd like to know if you have the correct keeper/striker we need or complete sets but with the flat keeper/striker needed.
I can send pictures if that would help.
MAstic Window latches
Quick Learner from Moodus, CT
Sep 23, 2014 3:32 pm
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 24, 2014 10:10 am
Thank you for posting. Yes! Pictures would be a huge help. Let me know!
Quick Learner
Sep 24, 2014 11:36 am
I have attached a picture of the window application. Its just a 5'x5' sliding window that we need to add the latch to the middle to keep it from bowing. The second pic is the replacement they gave us but the striker is too thick to use on the sliding window. The third picture is of the striker we need. Its flat and it allows the window to slide open and closed.
Quick Learner
Sep 24, 2014 2:09 pm
Thanks for the reply. I printed up both of those to check out. Thanks for your help.
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