MI 4300 series double spring balance

Home Owner from Rock Hill SC
The windows were installed in October 2018 The first picture is the good balancer still installed the second is the one I took out. there is a 12 marked on the balance no markings on the springs. The lower window weighs 21.6 lbs. I hope you can help me find the right parts to repair the window. The width of the balance is at the bottom is 1 1/4in. the length is 4in. Thanking you for your assistance.
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6 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hello there. See the 15-252 Inverted Dual Support. This setup works with Series 160 Coil Balance springs. If the window sash these balances support weigh exactly 21.6 pounds, then use the S160-05 5.5 pound springs. Use (2) of these on each side of the sash. That will come out to 11 pounds of support on either side, for a total of 22 pounds of support overall--this is close enough to your sash's weight to work just fine. Let me know if you have further questions. 

Home Owner from Rock Hill SC
Hi Bob thanks for your reply. The springs I removed are not broken they fell out when I removed the support carrier. My problem is I can't figure out how to mount the springs into the carrier. I was hoping to buy the complete unit.
Bob from SWISCO

These unfortunately aren't sold as pre-assembled, complete units. We can only supply the constituent parts separately.

As for how they mount in the carrier, they're just cradled at each peg, like you show in your second photo. The springs hook into each other, like a barrel of monkeys, and then reach up to the top of the track to hook into the bracket there.

Home Owner from Rock Hill SC
Hi Bob I followed your instructions,put everything back together and problem solved. It works as designed. Thank you sooo much for your help it is greatly appreciated.
Bob from SWISCO

That's great to hear! Glad everything is functional.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you had any further questions for us. We're always here to help.

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