Medium or Long Slider?

Handy Person from Seattle, WA
I see you sell two different kinds of Maxim Multi-Point Lock.  How can I know which is the correct kind to order?
2 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO


Your multi-point lock looks like it could have the "long slider". Take a look at the 38-096 and compare the length of the locking fork and the mounting hole locations to yours. Also, see the related videos. Thank you! 

Side view of 38-096
Side view of 38-096

View of 38-096 Hole Centers
View of 38-096 Hole Centers

Handy Person from Seattle, WA
Thanks for the help.  I had figured it out by measuring length , and noticing the "divots" in the long that are not present in the medium.  I placed my order already thanks !
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Great! Just let us know if you have any questions once the order arrives. 

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