Metal Bifold Louvered Doors-Hardware

Quick Learner from USA
I have seven metal, louvered bifold doors (circa 1970).

I'm having doors powder-coated, and I would like to order new caps for (I'm unsure of proper nomenclature so I'm calling them) pivot-pins and slide-pins.

I hope that you may provide assistance in identifying the correct replacement parts (please see attached photos):
Top Pivot-Cap has ID of ~5/16" with a taper or notch at top to ~15/64" (1 per door);
Bottom Pivot-Cap has ID of ~13/64" (1 per door);
Top & Bottom Slide-Caps have ID of ~5/16" (2 per door);

Also, I would like to replace the Back-Plate & Handle for each door. My existing back-plate has brass finish and ~2.5" diameter.

I look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
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11 Replies
Quick Learner from USA
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Casey from SWISCO


I don't recognize alll of your closet hardware at first glance but I'm going to have one of our senior experts take a look and see if they could recommend replacements for you. We'll reach out as soon as more information is available. Thank you!

Paul from SWISCO

It looks like you have the old series Slimfold bi-fold doors. Luckily, their new style parts will work on your door. You'll need one 21-001 bottom threaded pivot pin. You can reuse your 21-154 rod clamp and three spring-loaded pins, one for the top pivot pin and the two top and bottom guide pins. Note that these parts do not need rod clamps. 

Installation of the parts is shown in the videos related on this page. Once you replace the parts, place the bottom of the door over the track and line up the bottom threaded pin with the 21-200 pivot bracket and guide pin in the bottom track. Then, swing the door up to the top track and snap in the two top guide pins, one in the top bracket and the other in the track. Adjust the bottom threaded pin so the door is aligned and operates smoothly.

Quick Learner from USA
Thanks for your assistance, but I think I only need the plastic pin-caps (bushings) for the threaded & spring loaded pivot pins and for the guide pins. If you reference my original correspondence, there are three sizes (ID) of the pin-caps that I require; are the pin-caps available for sale in your catalog?


Paul from SWISCO

Sure, see the 21-105 for the guide pins and top pivot pin, as well as the 21-106 for the bottom pivot pin.

Quick Learner from USA
Perfect; thank you!  
Paul from SWISCO

We're happy to help! Just let us know if you need anything else.

Quick Learner from USA


I think there was a misunderstanding about what I'm asking for.  

I inquired about pin caps for 5/16" diameter guide pins, and you recommended the 21-105 caps which I ordered without realizing that these are 1/4" ID.  

The 21-105 pin caps do not fit my 5/16" diameter pins; do you have caps for 5/16" diameter guide pins and top-pivot pins?Thanks,


Paul from SWISCO

Slimfold switched to the new style 21-007 pins and reduced the pin size to 1/4" since the nylon shaft brings the pin diameter up to 5/16". Therefore, the new style 21-105 caps are made for 1/4" pins.

Quick Learner from USA
Do you know where I might locate the 5/16" diameter pin caps?
Is there maybe another supplier or a warehouse that might stock older parts?
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