Thank you....I had already looked at these & I do not see anything that comes close to what I need.
Yes, I doors are metal and the screw is a threaded screw.
Can you submit a closer picture of a pin that is not broken? If not, please submit a close-up image of a broken pin.
Sorry, but we're having some difficult locating this exact set-up. Are there any markings on the part or on the door itself?
The only thing on the door is a small sticker with what looks the the manufacture date 3/88 with 173 under the date....I'm not positive but I do believe I bought the at Hechingers who have long gone out of business and they may have been Stanley but that's just a guess...Sorry, I can't be of moor help.
I'm sorry, but we have not had any luck with identifying this pin. I spoke to a few experts and not one seemed to be familiar with this piece.
Thank you for your patience and allowing us time to research this part. I am sorry we can't be of much help to you at this point.
Thank you for your time & effort.