Milgard Non tilting Sash balancer

Handy Person from San Diego
1/2 inch wide metal tract is 20 5/8 inch long, not counting the plastic tips. 
please tell me which of your part is an appropriate replacement.
Need 2 tracts. 
Have not weigh the approximate 18'x20' window sash yet
please let me know as soon as you can
thank you
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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


We can supply your replacement balances but it will need to be a custom order due to the length, extended travel pulley system and unique combination of end attachments. We just sent over an order link and price quote for you to review. Just make sure to confirm that your balance stamp is (20 4) since it's a bit tough to make out in your photo and is used to determine the spring calibration for your replacements. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else. Thank you!

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