Milgard window balancer
Thanks for reaching out to us. We can definitely supply this balance, but it has to be a custom order due to the configuration. What you have here is an "extended-travel" type balance, which cannot be replaced by a stock part.
Your photos give us a lot of the information we need, but I do require clarification on a few points. To start, can you confirm the length of the metal channel? Based on your stamp of 25-4, it should only be 25-5/8" long, not 27".
Can you also show me a photo of the metal clip at the end of the cord? Yours appears to be missing entirely from the sample balance in your photos, so you will likely need to remove its undamaged partner so that we can get a good look at it. It may seem like a small detail but it is important.
Finally, please let me know how many you wished to buy. Our minimum purchase quantity for custom balances is 2.
Once I have all that, I will email you a purchase link and price quote that you can use to place an order on our site.