My roller looks like 81-007 but with a 1" wheel

Home Owner from VA
May 22, 2011 1:34 pm
I need to replace a patio door roller similar to your 81-007 assembly. The current roller is stamped "138". Is 81-007 the correct replacement? The only difference is the current wheel is 1" (maybe I replaced it at some point?) versus the 1 1/8" on 81-007. All other measurements are the same. Thank you!
5 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
May 23, 2011 3:36 pm

I just want to double check something. Are you positive your roller is stamped "138" and not "168"?

Home Owner from VA
May 23, 2011 7:48 pm
Yes, I am positive the roller assembly is stamped "138"...and it looks EXACTLY like 81-007, except for the wheel size. I have attached a picture. Thank you for responding.

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 24, 2011 12:50 pm

To get started, take a look at the Swisco 81-007 Sliding Door Roller; (this roller is stamped "#250", but used to be stamped "#138"). With that being said, if your wheel is concave like the 81-007, I do not think using a roller 1/8" larger will be a problem for you, as long as you have enough clearance in the height of your track when you remove the active door.

Home Owner from VA
May 24, 2011 8:52 pm
Thank you for your help. I am ordering two of the model 81-007 roller assemblies.
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