My roller looks like 81-007 but with a 1" wheel

Home Owner from VA
I need to replace a patio door roller similar to your 81-007 assembly. The current roller is stamped "138". Is 81-007 the correct replacement? The only difference is the current wheel is 1" (maybe I replaced it at some point?) versus the 1 1/8" on 81-007. All other measurements are the same. Thank you!
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
I just want to double check something. Are you positive your roller is stamped "138" and not "168"?
Home Owner from VA
Yes, I am positive the roller assembly is stamped "138"...and it looks EXACTLY like 81-007, except for the wheel size. I have attached a picture. Thank you for responding.
User submitted photo of sliding door roller stamped 138
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
To get started, take a look at the Swisco 81-007 Sliding Door Roller; (this roller is stamped "#250", but used to be stamped "#138"). With that being said, if your wheel is concave like the 81-007, I do not think using a roller 1/8" larger will be a problem for you, as long as you have enough clearance in the height of your track when you remove the active door.
Home Owner from VA
Thank you for your help. I am ordering two of the model 81-007 roller assemblies.
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