Need Lower double splined vinyldoor seal for 2" thick door

Quick Learner from Mooresville NC
Need to find a replacement lower vinyl "double splined" door seal for a 2 inch thick door. I can easily find this for a 1-3/4" door. Color can be brown or white. Required length is 33-1/2" but longer is acceptable. Will cut as required.
If I can not locate this seal then I will use a universal seal that has no double splines.

Thank you for your time.
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4 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Unforutnately, we do not carry a sweep like yours for a 2" thick door. Our best option would be to see if you could use the 40-001, which attaches to the side of the door with screws. Note that it would need to be cut down to size to fit your door and won't be able to be returned once it is modified. Look it over and see what you think. Thank you! 

Dimensions for 40-001
Dimensions for 40-001

Quick Learner from Mooresville NC
Thank you. I appreciate your time.

Casey from SWISCO

We're happy to help! Just let us know if you need anything else. 

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